Chovatelska stanice Asginen Filipino nabizi stenatka s PP. Stenatka budou ockovana, odcervena. Stenatka budou mit pet pas, rodokmen. Stenatka jsou ze spojeni Nensy Snug x Gordon Tajomny dvor kovalov.
Volni jsou jeste 3 kluci a 1 holka.
Stenatka maji vystavni I pracovni predpoklady.
vystavni uspechy: JCH, 2x BOB, 5x BOS, 5x CAC CR , 2x CAC SK, 2x NV, 2x CAC CMKU, res. CAC, sampion sampionu sk vitez plemene
Pracovni zkousky: ZZO, Canisterapie
Zdravotni vysledky: DKK 2/2 DLK 0/0
vystavni uspechy: V1,V2
Zdravotni vysledky: DKK 0/0
Vice informaci na tel: +420739522519 nebo
Kennel Asginen Filipino offers puppies with pedigree. Puppies will be vaccinated, dewormed. Puppies will have a pet passport, a pedigree. Puppies are from the connection of Nensy Snug x Gordon Tajomny dvor kovalov.
There are three more boys and one girl.
Puppies have exhibitions and work prerequisites.
Show results: JCH, 2x BOB, 5x BOS, 5x CAC CR, 2x CAC SK, 2x NV, 2x CAC CMKU, res. CAC, champion champion sk winner of the breed
Practical Exams: ZZO, Canistherapy
Health outcomes: DKK 2/2 DLK 0/0
Exhibition achievements: V1, V2
Health outcomes: DKK 0/0
For more information, call: +420739522519 or